[English follows]スポーツ特化型メディア”Pen&Sports”[ペンスポ]は、バレーボール日本代表・石川祐希選手が2024-2025シーズン、所属するペルージャ観戦に役立つイベント動画「ペルージャ観戦ガイド」をリリースしました。イタリア在住の通訳・ライターの中山久美子さんが2024年5月に取材、駅からアリーナへの行き方(切符の買い方、改札のコツまで!)といった詳しい情報に加え、「練習見学ができるか」「試合後の足はあるか」といった疑問にも答えます。盛りだくさんの80分、現地観戦したいファン必見の最新情報です。※2024年6月14日に開催したオンラインイベント「バレーボール・セリエA ペルージャが分かる」を編集、英語字幕、詳しいチャプター、おすすめレストランなどの参考URLをつけました。
- 日本からペルージャへの行き方
- ペルージャ駅からアリーナへの行き方。夜の治安、レンタカーOK?
- ペルージャの観光情報
- ペルージャのレストラン・地元料理
- ペルージャ近郊の観光情報(アッシジ、スペッロ、デルタ)
- チームの歴史
- 背番号14のストーリー
- 選手・監督の紹介。キャプテンはだれに?
- SNSスタッフ、監督、アリーナの裏側。ユーキのロッカーはどこに?
- シルチ会長の紹介・スポンサー
- アリーナ近くの滞在先・試合チケットの買い方
- ファンサービス、練習見学はどんな感じ?
- ペルージャのタクシー
- ペルージャの街についてとチームについての二本立てでとても勉強になりました。
- どんな感じか分からなくて迷っていたんですが、参加してよかったです。 仕事もあるのでなかなか現地応援できないのが残念ですが今日お話を聞いてやっぱり一度は行きたいなと思いました。
- 今回のペルージャ紹介もとても楽しかったです。リアルタイムでは見られなかったのですが、また他のチームのもやってほしいです。
- 今回のようにバレーの拠点がある街のおすすめとバレー観戦に向けた情報はとてもためになるので、ぜひ他の街verもやって欲しいです。来季は男女ともに日本人選手が多くイタリアに来られると思いますし。
- 今回の様なイベントをまた開催お願いします。とても参考になり、行こう!という気持ちになります。
- 監督や選手の裏話を聞くことができて大変ワクワクしました!
- 配信内容が期待以上でした。
- 今回の様な現地の情報を共有していただけるイベントはとても嬉しいです。
- 今回のような裏話などは、とても興味深かったです。
- 今回の現地からの情報とても参考になりましたし楽しかったです!
講師:中山 久美子(なかやま・くみこ)
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\ 詳しい最新情報です /
”Watch vollyball in Perugia, Italy!”Description in English
The Japanese sports web media “Pen & Sports“by Pen&Co., Ltd. has published an event video, “Watch vollyball in Perugia, Italy!”, to help you follow the Serie A volleyball team Sir Safety Perugia, where Japan’s star player Yuki Ishikawa will play in the 2024-2025 season. Interviewed by Kumiko Nakayama (an interpreter and writer living in Italy)in May 2024, the video provides detailed information on how to get from the station to the arena (even how to buy tickets and tips on ticket gates!), as well as answers to questions such as “Can I watch training?” and “Is there transport after the match? The passionate President Sirci story, “Where are Ishikawa’s lockers?” and even behind-the-arena stories such as “Where are Ishikawa’s lockers? Latest information. A must for fans!
※This is a edited version of the online event “Volleyball Serie A: Understanding Perugia” held on 14 June 2024, with detailed chapters, reference URLs for recommended restaurants, etc. and English subtitles.
Main contents (80 mins)
- How to get to Perugia from Japan
- How to get from Perugia train station to the Arena. Security at night, car hire OK?
- Tourist information on Perugia
- Restaurants and local cuisine in Perugia
- Tourist information on Perugia’s suburbs (Assisi, Spello, Deruta)
- History of the team
- Story of the number 14.
- Information on the players and a coach. Who’s the captain?
- SNS staff, coaches and behind the scenes in the arena. Where is Youki’s locker?
- Introduction of President Sirci and sponsors
- Where to stay near the arena, how to buy match tickets
- What is the fan service and training visits like?
- Taxis in Perugia
Dear Pen&Sports readers, we look forward to you Perugia to witness the greatest show of the volleyball world with the great Yuki Ishikawa and in Perugia. A show that will make up for the effort you will make to come and see us. Ciao!
Feedback from those who took part in the live streaming (in part)
I learned a lot about the city of Perugia and about the team in two parts.
I wasn’t sure what it would be like, but I’m glad I took part. It’s a pity that I have to work so it’s not easy to support the team there, but after listening to you today, I really want to go there at least once.
I really enjoyed the introduction of Perugia this time. I couldn’t watch it in real time, but I hope you will do it again with other teams.
I would like you to do another one like this one, because it is very useful to recommend a city with a ballet base and information for watching ballet matches. I think that next season many Japanese players, both men and women, will come to Italy.
Please organise another event like this one. It is very informative and makes me want to go! It is very informative and makes me feel like “Let’s go!
It was very exciting to hear the stories behind the coaches and players!
The content of the delivery exceeded my expectations.
I am very happy to have an event like this where you can share local information.
Behind-the-scenes stories like this one were very interesting.
The information from the field this time was very useful and enjoyable!
Lecturer: Kumiko Nakayama
Japanese-Italian interpreter/coordinator/writer. Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Letters I, specialising in Western History, and studied in Florence, Italy, after six years of working in Japan. Currently lives in the vicinity of Florence. Her work covers from research to coordination, interpretation and translation for media, business and inspection tours. Her love of travelling and Tuscany led her to establish the website ‘Toscany as you like‘, and she also contributes to other medias, focusing on travel and regional promotion. She published the book ‘Walking through the Beautiful Villages of Italy‘, and was in charge of interpreting and supporting Japanese volleyball player, Mayu Ishikawa in the 2023-24 season. Born in Hyogo, Japan.
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\ Latest and detailed guide! /
\ 感想をお寄せください /